
What Is Spirit Pair?

Montgomery County, TX residents since 2016, Stephen and Adrienne have found their hearts and appetites entwined with the vibrant local culture and culinary scene. Nestled in the birthplace of the Texas flag, this dynamic duo has developed a passion for savoring the flavors of the world and delighting in the art of food and drink pairing. It is their mission to share these global gastronomic adventures with the growing North Houston community, helping others discover the perfect pairings that bring back the joy and comfort of their first childhood bite of milk and cookies.

The beauty of drinks and ingredients lies not only in their individual flavors and textures but also in the magic that unfolds when they come together in perfect harmony. Stephen and Adrienne believe that the true essence of a culinary experience is revealed through the dance of flavors, textures, and aromas that delight the senses and create lasting memories.

Meet Stephen

Executive Editor/Developer

A native Houstonian with a brief sojourn in the Texas panhandle, Stephen's journey has taken him from the world of web development to the realm of fine spirits and bold brews. With 25 years of experience as a Senior Web Developer, Stephen has had the privilege of working with esteemed magazine publications focused on culture and cuisine from Texas to the Middle East. His love for fine spirits deepened during his time in Bardstown, KY, the birthplace of bourbon. There, Stephen toured iconic distilleries like Woodford Reserve and Buffalo Trace, cultivating a profound appreciation for the rich heritage of Kentucky Bourbon.

Stephen's palate was further refined during a scotch tasting at the Texas Renaissance Festival, where he was introduced to the full spectrum of smokiness and other unique characteristics of this exquisite spirit. He discovered the true versatility of beer when he first tasted Fat Tire by New Belgium brewery, before it gained national distribution. Today, Stephen relishes the rich malty notes of scotch beers and the citrus, floral notes of hoppy IPAs. His taste in wine leans toward dry reds like Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, but he also enjoys the occasional toast with champagne or a sweet Moscato d'Asti paired with a delectable dessert. For Stephen, brewery and distillery tours are the highlights of any vacation.

Meet Adrienne

Managing Editor

Born and raised in the Dallas, TX area, Adrienne has dedicated her life to educating others about wildlife for the past 10 years. Her passion for the culinary world was ignited during her time in France while studying for her master’s degree in ecology. While living in the land of wine, cheese, and bread, Adrienne immersed herself in the rich French culinary heritage by taking advantage of the easy access to numerous tours and tastings in various regions of France, along with other parts of Europe. This experience not only expanded her palate but also deepened her love for food, drink, and the art of pairing them together. She prefers a brut nature champagne to accompany buttery and vegetable notes in soft cheeses like Saint-Nectaire, and, according to Ian Fleming, she shares a favorite champagne house with James Bond - Taittinger.

Adrienne's adventurous spirit and keen interest in diverse cuisines have taken her on a global journey of flavors, textures, and aromas. With an unwavering enthusiasm for discovering new culinary experiences, she is always on the lookout for the next delectable pairing to share with her fellow food enthusiasts.

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