

Browse The Best Lamb

A bold and spicy red wine, such as a Syrah or Zinfandel, would pair well with the cumin and garlic flavors in the lamb. A hoppy IPA or Belgian-style ale would also complement the dish nicely. For a spirit pairing, a smoky mezcal or aged rum would provide a complementary depth of flavor.

A full-bodied red wine such as a Syrah or Cabernet Sauvignon would pair well with the rich and hearty flavors of Tunisian Lamb Soup. Alternatively, a spicy and aromatic beer like an IPA or Belgian Tripel would complement the dish's harissa spice and cumin. For those who prefer spirits, a bold and smoky whiskey like a peated Scotch or bourbon would also be a good match for the soup's savory and robust flavors.

A bold red wine such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah would pair well with the rich flavors of the lamb and tomato. A full-bodied beer like a Belgian Dubbel or a dark ale would also complement the dish nicely. For spirits, a whiskey or bourbon with notes of cinnamon and vanilla would be a great match.

For wine, a bold red like Chianti or Barbera would pair well with the rich and savory flavors of the fennel sausage sauce. For spirits, a Negroni or Manhattan would complement the smoky paprika and fennel seeds in the dish. For beer, a brown ale or porter would be a good match with the hearty pasta and sausage.

A full-bodied red wine, such as a Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon, would pair well with the rich and savory flavors of the lamb mince in the Scotch pie. A dark beer, like a stout or porter, could also complement the dish. For spirits, a whiskey or bourbon would be a classic pairing with the Scotch pie's Scottish roots.

From the Pub

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